21 January 2009

Bitter cold and I didn't care until I couldn't feel my feet

Here are Becky and I standing in front of the first police barricade. We were still smiling because it was still early and we hadn't suffered much yet. Little did we know what we were in for.After the barricade was opened, we headed to one of the security check points. There was a secured perimeter around the parade route and everyone had to pass through metal detectors. Here are just a few of the people we shared the day with. The smiles were starting to fade. Three hours later, after standing still in 20 degree weather we weren't feeling as fresh, but we kept our eye on the prize. We weren't going to stand on The Mall all day like most people. We were going to a party in an office on Pennsylvania Avenue where we would get a comfy seat in a warm building, where there would be large restrooms and plenty of food. We finally made it through the check point and limped to our destination. We soon learned that we had been lucky. Some of our friends waited 6 hours in line at a security checkpoint where the power had died, rendering all metal detectors useless. Three hours no longer seemed so horrible. Here are Becky and I starting to feel a little cold. We were grinning and coming close to bearing it. At times, though, the cold wind seemed unbearable.

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