21 January 2009

Presidential View

This was our view from the office we were in. We were right in front of the Navy Memorial and across the street from the National Archives building. We could even see the platform from which Ann Curry and Al Roker were broadcasting all day. At one point Ann was dancing with the crowd that was doing the electric slide. But forget morning talk show hosts. This is what we had been waiting for all day. And we actually saw them, albeit from a window. President and Mrs. Obama stepped out of their bullet-proof Cadillac limo and walked in the street, right in front of our building. I know this picture isn't that great, but you can tell it's them. Michelle's yellow dress stands out in a crowd.

So now I can say I witnessed history. I attended the Inauguration of President Barak Obama, our nation's 44th president. And not only did I witness it, but I was inspired by this epic event. It is our turn to join in and do something that makes our country better. What will I do? What will you do? Let's start thinking and let's start doing. Regardless of our political views, we can all do our part to make American even better.

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