16 May 2008


My neighbor, Maria, is adorable. She's 96, Italian, has a huge family, makes delicious waffle cookies and loves to garden. She has lived in her condo since it was built more than 30 years ago and knows just about everyone in our neighborhood. One of the first things I noticed when I initially looked at my condo was the flower garden in front of the building. I discovered later that it was Maria who maintained the numerous rose bushes and other flowers.
Maria's husband, Dominic, long ago built planter boxes so the roses could have a proper home. Now gone, Dominic is remembered fondly by Maria and all the neighbors who reminisce about how much he loved his roses. When the flowers are in bloom, Maria cuts large quantities and takes them to her husband's grave. She says she wants him to still be able to enjoy them.
Up until this year, Maria has tended these beautiful flowers. But now it has become difficult for her to climb in and out of the garden and her eye sight isn't quite as good as it used to be. All the residents in our building were asked if they could help keep up the garden. If no one volunteered, the property management company would have to take it out and put in more low-maintenance shrubbery to replace the roses. When I volunteered to help, I thought for sure other people would step forward as well. Nope. It was just me. Since digging in the dirt makes me happy, I don't mind so much, especially when Maria keeps me company and sits out on the steps and talks to me while I'm working. She gives me tips and lends me tools. I'm pretty sure I love her. Everyone else who knows her does too.


Alisha said...

I want a friend like you when I am as old as Maria someday. Alisha

Anonymous said...

Good for you, helping out, taking care of Maria's precious memory invoking roses. They'll become special to you too as you connect with her and the earth. That is a story right from a book.

Eliza said...

How sweet! I have noticed those roses too and didn't know who tended them. Now I know it is you! (and Maria.)

Tamara said...

This pretty much made me cry.
What an amazing tribute. Lucinda's right -- a story right from a book. Will you write down your conversations with her? Honestly, it's gonna be a goodie for you someday.