06 August 2009

This guy ...

is the reason why I went to LA. He's also the reason why I'm now in LA, at least for the summer. It's beautiful and sunny and I can go to the beach often. I'm still loving California, and even though it's hot, I don't mind. It cools down at night and there are farmers' markets everywhere. It's my kind of place. Fortunately my work has allowed me to work remotely and I was able to rent out my condo. So far this summer has been fabulous.


Jaclyn said...

It sounds like so much fun! I wish you all the best and look forward to your future updates! :)

Anonymous said...

Finally, a post and at least I know you are still in LA dating and not dumping. wheeeoooooooo

Alisha said...

I love that photo!

Superstahr Mom said...

What a great looking couple! It was sure good to see you this last weekend... hopefully we'll see more of you soon!

Moore Family said...

Hey you, I was wondering what you've been up to and where you're living currently. So when are you going to come for a visit? Or is it better to meet up down there somewhere? I'm glad to see things are going smoothly! Tell your man hi for me! :)

Madeline Jennnejohn said...

I love this picture of you two as well! You look great together as a couple!